- Name: Brenden
- Age: 22
- Birtday: April 7, 2002
- 2002: Born into the world called Earth. I begin my journey in Arizona.
- 2004-2006: Played on my first ever console the V.Smile along with my first ever video game Alphabet Park Adventure.
- 2007-2009: Graduated to playing on a PlayStation 2 with games such as Shrek the Third and Thrillville.
- 2010-2012: I move onto the Wii and played Super Mario Bros. on an Nintendo Entertainment System which was the start of my "retro" game hobby. I also had a DS lite with New Super Mario Bros.
- 2013-2015: The Wii U releases and I get one for my birthday and was playing Minecraft under the username BRO3256.
- 2016: High school has begun and I slowly wind down on my Minecraft days. I played quite a lot of Super Mario Maker though.
- 2017: Started to take video game collecting seriously. Meanwhile the Nintendo Switch was released.
- 2018: Switched from in-person to online schooling but during this I played Chapter 1 of Deltarune.
- 2019: Near the end of online high school and the Wii Shop Channel closes its doors.
- 2020: Pandemic season resulted in staying at home playing a lot of video games. I also graduated high school thankfully. Meanwhile used video game prices skyrocket in the United States which resulted in me looking into import games.
- 2021: Continuing to research and buy Japanese video games and exploring games that are practically unknown in my home country and around the same time Nintendo releases remakes of the first two Famicom Detective Club games.
- 2022: Discovered the YouTube channel RndStranger which gave me more inspiration in looking into Japanese video games in greater detail.
- 2023: Co-founded the wiki site FamiWiki along with PanchamBro and thus begins my life long project. Meanwhile the 3DS and Wii U eShop closes its doors.
- 2024: I not only contribute to my own wiki but I also continued to edit on other wikis as well. I also decided to try collecting all the commercially released Famicom cartridges.
- 2025: Living to this very day and the Nintendo Switch 2 gets announced.
The following are various social media accounts I actively use: